Spacecraft & Vehicles

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Soviet & Russian Spacecraft

Explore the legacy of the Soviet Union and Russia in space exploration with iconic spacecraft designs and historic missions.

Soviet / Russian Space Programs

Soviet / Russian Spacecraft

USSR and Russian spacecraft represent a rich legacy of pioneering achievements in space exploration. Beginning with the launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957, the Soviet Union marked the dawn of the Space Age, demonstrating unparalleled capabilities in satellite technology, crewed spaceflight, and planetary exploration. Iconic missions such as Yuri Gagarin’s historic flight aboard Vostok 1 and the Luna and Venera probes to the Moon and Venus, respectively, cemented the USSR’s status as a space exploration powerhouse. 

Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia inherited this legacy and continued to make significant contributions to space exploration, including the development of the Soyuz spacecraft, which has remained a reliable workhorse for crewed missions to this day.

Crewed Spacecraft from the USSR/Russia

Beginning with the iconic launch of Yuri Gagarin aboard the Vostok 1 spacecraft in 1961, the Soviet Union propelled humanity into a new era of space exploration. The Soyuz spacecraft, introduced in the 1960s, has since become the workhorse of crewed spaceflight, ferrying cosmonauts to and from space stations such as Mir and the International Space Station (ISS)

Soyuz - Spacecraft & Space Database - Soviet Union / Russia

Soyuz Spacecraft

Explore the legendary Soyuz spacecraft, a cornerstone of human spaceflight, ferrying astronauts to and from space stations like the ISS.

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Orel - Spacecraft & Space Database - Soviet Union / Russia

Orel Spacecraft

Explore the cutting-edge Orel spacecraft, Russia’s next-generation crewed vehicle for space exploration and learn about its design and missions.

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TKS - Spacecraft & Space Database - Soviet Union / Russia

TKS Spacecraft

Discover the TKS spacecraft, a versatile vehicle pivotal in Soviet/Russian space exploration, and learn about its missions and design.

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Interplanetary Spacecraft from the USSR/Russia

Interplanetary spacecraft from the USSR and Russia have been at the forefront of planetary exploration, marking significant milestones in our understanding of the solar system. Notable examples include the Venera series, which landed probes on the surface of Venus, the Mars exploration program, the Phobos program, and the Luna series of missions – responsible for paving the way for lunar exploration.

Spacecraft Propulsion from the USSR/Russia

Spacecraft propulsion technology from the USSR and Russia has been characterized by innovation and versatility, encompassing various propulsion systems to meet the diverse needs of space missions. Early spacecraft utilized chemical propulsion systems, such as liquid and solid rocket engines, for launching satellites into orbit and conducting interplanetary missions. 

Start-1 Rocket- Spacecraft Propulsion - Solid Fuel - Russia

Start-1 Rocket

Discover the Start-1 rocket, a compact and reliable launch vehicle designed for deploying small satellites into low Earth orbit.

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Orbital and cargo Spacecraft from the USSR/Russia

USSR and Russian cargo spacecraft have played a crucial role in resupplying space stations, conducting scientific research, and supporting human spaceflight missions. These spacecraft, such as the earlier Progress and TKS, have evolved over time, adapting to advancements in technology and changing mission requirements.

TKS - Spacecraft & Space Database - Soviet Union / Russia

TKS Spacecraft

Discover the TKS spacecraft, a versatile vehicle pivotal in Soviet/Russian space exploration, and learn about its missions and design.

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Sputnik 1 - Spacecraft & Space Database - Soviet Union / Russia

Sputnik 1

Explore Sputnik 1, the world’s first artificial satellite that ignited the space age. Learn about its historic mission, design, and impact.

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Sputnik 2 - Spacecraft & Space Database - Soviet Union / Russia

Sputnik 2

Explore Sputnik 2, the historic spacecraft that carried the first living creature into space, and learn about its mission and design.

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Salyut 1 - Spacecraft & Space Database - Soviet Union / Russia

Salyut 1

Learn about Salyut 1, the first space station in history, launched by the Soviet Union in 1971. Explore its design and mission objectives.

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Experimental, exploratory, and military Spacecraft from the USSR/Russia

The USSR and later Russia have a rich history of developing experimental, exploratory, and military spacecraft, showcasing their prowess in space technology and exploration. Experimentation in space began with early satellite launches like Sputnik 1 in 1957, marking the dawn of the Space Age. The Vostok program saw the first human spaceflight by Yuri Gagarin in 1961, followed by various missions exploring Earth’s orbit and beyond.

Orel - Spacecraft & Space Database - Soviet Union / Russia

Orel Spacecraft

Explore the cutting-edge Orel spacecraft, Russia’s next-generation crewed vehicle for space exploration and learn about its design and missions.

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