Spacecraft & Vehicles

The complete database of

Chinese Spacecraft

Discover China’s ambitious space program and spacecraft, driving exploration and innovation with significant milestones in crewed spaceflight and lunar exploration.

Chinese Space Programs

China has emerged as a major player in space exploration, with ambitious space programs led by the China National Space Administration (CNSA). The Chinese space program encompasses a wide range of activities, including satellite launches, crewed missions, lunar exploration, and the development of space infrastructure.

All Spacecraft from China

Looking ahead, China has ambitious plans for space exploration, including crewed missions to Mars, further lunar exploration, and the development of advanced space technologies. The country’s growing capabilities and achievements in space underscore its status as a major spacefaring nation and its commitment to advancing scientific research and technological innovation on the global stage.

Yaogan Satellite - Defense Satellites & Spacecraft - China

Yaogan Satellite

Discover the role and capabilities of China’s Yaogan satellite series in enhancing national security and defense through advanced technology.

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