Spacecraft & Vehicles

The complete database of

Interplanetary Spacecraft

Venture beyond our planet with probes, rovers, and landers, embarking on missions to study distant worlds and unlock the secrets of the cosmos.


Witness the touchdown of robotic explorers on distant worlds, studying their geology, atmosphere, and potential for future human missions.

Viking 1 - Spacecraft & Landers Database - NASA (USA)

Viking 1

Explore the groundbreaking Viking 1 mission, the first spacecraft to successfully land on Mars, conducting scientific experiments.

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Viking 2 - Spacecraft & Landers Database - NASA (USA)

Viking 2

Explore Viking 2, the pioneering spacecraft that soft-landed on Mars, conducting scientific experiments and providing valuable insights.

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Embark on interplanetary journeys of discovery with robotic explorers, uncovering the mysteries of distant worlds and paving the way for human exploration beyond Earth.
Mariner Probes - Spacecraft & Space Vehicles Database - USA

Mariner Probes

Explore the pioneering Mariner probes that revolutionized our understanding of the solar system. Learn about their missions, discoveries, and impact.

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Pioneer 10 and 11 - Spacecraft & Lunar Orbiters Database - United States

Pioneer 10

Discover Pioneer 10, the trailblazing spacecraft that explored Jupiter and ventured beyond the asteroid belt, and learn about its mission.

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Pioneer 10 and 11 - Spacecraft & Lunar Orbiters Database - United States

Pioneer 11

Explore Pioneer 11, the pioneering spacecraft that explored Jupiter and Saturn, expanding our knowledge of the outer solar system.

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Traverse alien landscapes with robotic vehicles, investigating the surface of other planets, searching for signs of life, and expanding our understanding of the cosmos.