Spacecraft & Vehicles

The complete database of

Space Programs

Discover the fascinating world of space programs, from historic milestones to cutting-edge missions. Explore the objectives, achievements, and future plans of space agencies worldwide and uncover the secrets of space exploration and technological innovation on this insightful page.

American Space Programs

Journey through the United States’ storied space program, from pioneering missions to the Moon to cutting-edge exploration of the solar system and beyond, shaping the future of space exploration.

Soviet / RUssian Space Programs

Trace the legacy of the Soviet Union and Russia in space exploration, from the first human spaceflight to space station operations, showcasing a rich history of achievements.

The International Space Station Program - Spacecraft Database

The ISS Program

Explore the International Space Station, a symbol of international cooperation in space exploration, conducting groundbreaking research.

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Chinese Space Programs

Discover China’s ambitious space program, from lunar exploration to space station development, showcasing technological prowess and scientific achievements.

Indian Space Programs

Explore India’s dynamic space program, marked by achievements in satellite launches, lunar exploration, and advancements in space technology for societal benefits.

European Union Space Programs

Dive into the European Union’s space endeavors, encompassing satellite navigation, Earth observation, and space science missions, fostering innovation and cooperation.

The International Space Station Program - Spacecraft Database

The ISS Program

Explore the International Space Station, a symbol of international cooperation in space exploration, conducting groundbreaking research.

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Japanese Space Programs

Unveil Japan’s pioneering space program, featuring satellite missions, robotic exploration, and contributions to international space exploration efforts.

The International Space Station Program - Spacecraft Database

The ISS Program

Explore the International Space Station, a symbol of international cooperation in space exploration, conducting groundbreaking research.

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Canadian Space Programs

The International Space Station Program - Spacecraft Database

The ISS Program

Explore the International Space Station, a symbol of international cooperation in space exploration, conducting groundbreaking research.

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French Space Programs

German Space Programs

Iranian Space Programs

Israeli Space Programs

Italian Space Programs