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Bharatiya Antariksha Station - Spacecraft & Space Database - India

Bharatiya Antariksha Station (Planned)

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The Bharatiya Antariksha Station (BAS), India’s ambitious space station project, marks a significant leap forward in the country’s space exploration endeavors. Planned by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), BAS aims to establish a permanent human presence in space, conduct cutting-edge scientific research, and demonstrate India’s technological capabilities on the global stage. As a modular space station orbiting Earth, BAS embodies India’s commitment to space exploration and scientific advancement, paving the way for future missions beyond Earth’s orbit.

Design and Construction

The Bharatiya Antariksha Station comprises interconnected modules, docking ports, solar arrays, and life support systems, designed to sustain human habitation in the harsh environment of space. Constructed from lightweight yet durable materials, BAS prioritizes functionality, reliability, and safety in its design. Solar arrays provide power for onboard systems, while life support systems ensure a habitable environment for crew members.

The station’s core modules house living quarters, control centers, and essential systems, while laboratory modules accommodate scientific experiments and research facilities. Docking ports facilitate the arrival and departure of crewed and uncrewed spacecraft, enabling crew rotations, cargo deliveries, and international collaboration.

Mission Objectives

  • The primary objective of the Bharatiya Antariksha Station is to conduct scientific research, technology demonstration, and crewed missions in low Earth orbit.
  • Secondary objectives include international collaboration, educational outreach, and the development of space infrastructure.

Launch and Deployment

  • BAS modules are planned to be launched into orbit aboard ISRO’s GSLV Mk III launch vehicle and other compatible rockets.
  • Modules will be assembled in orbit over multiple missions, forming the interconnected structure of the space station.

Technical Specifications

  • Dimensions: The Bharatiya Antariksha Station is expected to span approximately XX meters in length and XX meters in diameter, with a total pressurized volume of approximately XX cubic meters.
  • Weight: The space station will have a launch mass of approximately XX,XXX kilograms.
  • Power Source: Solar arrays will provide electrical power for onboard systems, supplemented by backup batteries.
  • Instruments: BAS will be equipped with a variety of scientific instruments, laboratories, and facilities to support research in microgravity conditions.

Current Status

As of the latest updates, the Bharatiya Antariksha Station is in the planning and development phase, with ISRO conducting feasibility studies and design assessments. The project represents a significant milestone in India’s space exploration ambitions, with plans to establish BAS in the coming years.

Once operational, BAS will serve as a focal point for scientific research, technology development, and crewed missions in low Earth orbit. ISRO will collaborate with international partners and contractors to ensure the success of the station and maximize its potential for advancing space exploration and fostering global cooperation.

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