Spacecraft & Vehicles

The complete database of

French Spacecraft

Learn about France’s rich history in space exploration and its spacecraft, pushing the boundaries of scientific discovery.

French Space Programs

France has a significant presence in space exploration and technology, with several notable space programs and contributions to the global aerospace industry. The French space agency, Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES), plays a central role in coordinating and implementing France’s space activities, collaborating with international partners and promoting scientific research, innovation, and technological development.

All Spacecraft from France

France is a pioneer in space science and technology, with research institutions and companies involved in developing advanced satellite systems, propulsion technologies, and space exploration instruments. Overall, French space programs reflect the country’s commitment to innovation, collaboration, and scientific exploration, positioning France as a key player in the global space community.

Astérix - Spacecraft & Space Database - Satellites - France

Astérix Satellite

Explore Astérix, France’s first independent satellite launched into Earth’s orbit, including its historic mission, design, and contributions.

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Spot Satellite - Spacecraft & Space Vehicles - France / ESA

Spot Satellite

Discover the SPOT satellite series, France’s premier Earth observation satellites, renowned for their high-resolution imaging capabilities.

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Jason-1 Satellite - Spacecraft & Space Vehicles - France / ESA

Jason-1 Satellite

Discover the Jason-1 satellite, a groundbreaking mission that revolutionized our understanding of global sea level rise and ocean dynamics.

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