Spacecraft & Vehicles
Beresheet Lunar Lander - Spacecraft & Lunar Landers - Israel

Beresheet Lunar Lander

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Beresheet Lunar Lander, developed by the Israeli nonprofit organization SpaceIL, aimed to become the first privately-funded spacecraft to land on the Moon. Despite its ultimate failure to achieve a soft landing, Beresheet made significant strides in private space exploration.

Design and Construction

Beresheet featured a compact design optimized for cost-effectiveness and reliability. It incorporated a propulsion system, landing legs, and scientific instruments for surface analysis. The spacecraft utilized lightweight materials and innovative engineering to maximize efficiency and minimize mass.

Mission Objectives

The primary objective of Beresheet was to demonstrate the feasibility of a privately-funded lunar landing mission. Secondary objectives included conducting scientific experiments to study the Moon’s surface composition and magnetic field.

Launch and Deployment

Beresheet was launched aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The launch took place on February 22, 2019. Following a series of orbital maneuvers, Beresheet aimed to perform a soft landing in the Mare Serenitatis region of the Moon.

Technical Specifications

  • Dimensions: Approximately 1.5 meters in height and 1.5 meters in diameter.
  • Weight: Around 585 kilograms.
  • Propulsion System: Main engine for lunar orbit insertion and descent, as well as smaller thrusters for attitude control.
  • Power Source: Solar panels for electricity generation.
  • Instruments and Equipment: Magnetometer, laser retroreflector, and a time capsule containing digital files.

Current Status

Despite successfully reaching lunar orbit, Beresheet encountered technical difficulties during its descent and crash-landed on the lunar surface on April 11, 2019. While the mission did not achieve its primary objective, it demonstrated the potential of private organizations in space exploration.

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